Meeting Her Again / Reencontrando-a a video about the exhibition and project- posted March 30th, 2017 in Colorado

Videographer Rui Fernandes made this 6 minute video with me in January about the exhibition with Luis Branco in Estremoz, Portugal titled Meeting Her Again / Reencontrando-a. Many of these works will be showing at Michael Warren Contemporary in Denver, Colorado in the exhibition of the same name Meeting Her Again April 18 to May 27, 2017.  The exhibition was at the Palacio dos Marqueses da Praia e Monforte from January 28th to March 11th 2017. It was a large exhibition of the works I made in Portugal in collaboration with photographer Luís Branco  and Rui Fernandes while I was an artist in residence at the Obras Artist Residency in Evoramonte, Portugal for several months in 2015 and again in 2016.  Obragada a todos!

Here is the video linked on You Tube:

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